Hoarder Clean-out West Bloomfield, MI


A gentleman passed away, and the family members of the deceased had to get the house cleared out before they were able to even consider selling the house. The gentleman had collected years and years of items, furniture and miscellaneous property. We assisted our client in going through everything in the house to help determine and locate items of value, both monetary and sentimental. Items and property in each room of the house were inspected to assist the client with locating things they wanted to keep.


Once our client had everything they wanted to keep out of the house, we were able to then begin the process of clearing it out. Each room was cleared out one by one until the entire house was empty of its contents. The last of the items was cleared out on the fourth day. The client was grateful that we were able to assist them. They were coping with the death of a loved one, and we were happy to be able to offer our assistance and services during their time of need.
